How to Use: flameshot

Install Link to heading

sudo pacman -S flameshot

Key Bindings Link to heading

The default system screenshot key bindings are bad, so overwrite them:

Key Description
Print Take a screenshot of the entire screen.
Ctrl + Print Take a screenshot of a region.

Note: The <Primary> key you see below means <Ctrl>!

Set them with:

xfconf-query --reset                 \
  --channel xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts \
  --property /commands/custom/'Print'

xfconf-query --create                 \
  --channel xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts  \
  --property /commands/custom/'Print' \
  --type string                       \
  --set 'flameshot screen -c'

xfconf-query --reset                 \
  --channel xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts \
  --property /commands/custom/'<Primary>Print'

xfconf-query --create                          \
  --channel xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts           \
  --property /commands/custom/'<Primary>Print' \
  --type string                                \
  --set 'flameshot gui'

Make sure to run these in your automation scripts so they don’t get lost.